DSO 205 –Securing the COTS Supply Chain
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DSO 205 –Securing the COTS Supply Chain

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The usage of Commercial-off-the-shelf software (COTS) by organizations while advantageous comes with its own set of challenges and complexities. Unfortunately, it is rare for acquisition approaches to account for complex software supply chains; this course provides learners with an understanding of how to apply DevSecOps best practices to reduce software supply chain risks

After completing this course you will be to:

  • Employ acquisition strategies, contract tools, and procurement methods for the purchase of the software, COTS from suppliers
  • Conduct a supplier review prior to entering into a contractual agreement to acquire the COTS
  • Conduct an assessment of the COTS prior to selection, acceptance, or update
  • Employ security safeguards to validate that the COTS received is genuine and has not been altered
  • Establish and retains the unique identication of supply chain elements, processes, and actors for the COTS
  • Establish a process to address weaknesses or deciencies in supply chain elements identied during independent or organizational assessments of such elements


Course Number: DSO 205

Course Duration: 15 minutes

Course CPE Credits: 25


Related Subject Matter




Penetration Testing



Foreign Languages Available:



The usage of Commercial-off-the-shelf software (COTS) by organizations while advantageous comes with its own set of challenges and complexities. Unfortunately, it is rare for acquisition approaches to account for complex software supply chains; this course provides learners with an understanding of how to apply DevSecOps best practices to reduce software supply chain risks

After completing this course you will be to:

  • Employ acquisition strategies, contract tools, and procurement methods for the purchase of the software, COTS from suppliers
  • Conduct a supplier review prior to entering into a contractual agreement to acquire the COTS
  • Conduct an assessment of the COTS prior to selection, acceptance, or update
  • Employ security safeguards to validate that the COTS received is genuine and has not been altered
  • Establish and retains the unique identication of supply chain elements, processes, and actors for the COTS
  • Establish a process to address weaknesses or deciencies in supply chain elements identied during independent or organizational assessments of such elements


Course Number: DSO 205

Course Duration: 15 minutes

Course CPE Credits: 25


Related Subject Matter




Penetration Testing



Foreign Languages Available:
