Project Ares Academy Plus & Cyber Security Course Bundles
Project Ares Academy Plus + Cyber Defense Bundle
Project Ares Academy Plus
Gamified Cyber Learning
- Immersive, online Cyber Security learning platform
- Individuals and organizations hands-on cyber training anywhere 24/7 365 days a year
- Scalable training to meet cyber requirements and teaching goals
- Concept-driven games, Battle Rooms, and real-world scenario missions
- Cloud-based cyber ranges that emulate typical networks and simulate network traffic
- Gamified elements like scoring, leaderboards, and chat features
Cyber Defense Course & Labs
Virtual Courses & Labs
- Network mapping (enumeration and identification of network components)
- Network security techniques and components Access controls, flow control, cryptography, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, etc.
- Applications of Cryptography
- Malicious activity detection / forms of attack
- Appropriate Countermeasures
- Trust relationships
- Defense in Depth: Layering of security mechanisms to achieve desired security
- Patching: OS and Application Updates
- Vulnerability Scanning
- Vulnerability Windows (0-day to patch availability)
Project Ares Academy Plus + Cyber Threats Bundle
Project Ares Academy Plus
Gamified Cyber Learning
- Immersive, online Cyber Security learning platform
- Individuals and organizations hands-on cyber training anywhere 24/7 365 days a year
- Scalable training to meet cyber requirements and teaching goals
- Concept-driven games, Battle Rooms, and real-world scenario missions
- Cloud-based cyber ranges that emulate typical networks and simulate network traffic
- Gamified elements like scoring, leaderboards, and chat features
Cyber Defense Course & Labs
Virtual Courses & Labs
- Adversaries and targets
- Motivations and Techniques
- The Adversary Model (resources, capabilities, intent, motivation, risk aversion, access)
- Types of Attacks
- Password guessing / cracking
- Backdoors / Trojans / viruses / wireless attacks
- Sniffing / spoofing / session hijacking
- Denial of service / distributed DOS / BOTs
- MAC spoofing / web app attacks / 0-day exploits
- And the vulnerabilities that enable them
- Attack Timing (within x minutes of being attached to the net)
- Social Engineering
- Events that indicate an attack is/has happened
- Legal Issues
- Attack surfaces / vectors
- Attack trees
- Insider problem
- Covert Channels
- Threat Information Sources (e.g., CERT)
Project Ares Academy Plus + Network Defense Bundle
Project Ares Academy Plus
Gamified Cyber Learning
- Immersive, online Cyber Security learning platform
- Individuals and organizations hands-on cyber training anywhere 24/7 365 days a year
- Scalable training to meet cyber requirements and teaching goals
- Concept-driven games, Battle Rooms, and real-world scenario missions
- Cloud-based cyber ranges that emulate typical networks and simulate network traffic
- Gamified elements like scoring, leaderboards, and chat features
Network Defense Course & Labs
Virtual Courses & Labs
- Implementing IDS/IPS
- Implementing Firewalls and VPNs
- Defense in Depth
- Honeypots and Honeynets
- Network Monitoring
- Network Traffic Analysis
- Minimizing Exposure (Attack Surface and Vectors)
- Network Access Control (internal and external)
- DMZs / Proxy Servers
- Network Hardening
- Mission Assurance
- Network Policy Development and Enforcement
- Network Operational Procedures
- Network Attacks (e.g., session hijacking, Man-in-the-Middle)
Project Ares Academy Plus + Network Forensic Bundle
Project Ares Academy Plus
Gamified Cyber Learning
- Immersive, online Cyber Security learning platform
- Individuals and organizations hands-on cyber training anywhere 24/7 365 days a year
- Scalable training to meet cyber requirements and teaching goals
- Concept-driven games, Battle Rooms, and real-world scenario missions
- Cloud-based cyber ranges that emulate typical networks and simulate network traffic
- Gamified elements like scoring, leaderboards, and chat features
Network Forensic Course & Labs
Virtual Courses & Labs
- Packet Capture and Analysis
- Intrusion Detection and Prevention
- Interlacing of device and network forensics
- Log-file Analysis
- Forensic Imaging and Analysis
- (must include hands-on activities)
Project Ares Academy Plus + Computer Forensics Bundle
Project Ares Academy Plus
Gamified Cyber Learning
- Immersive, online Cyber Security learning platform
- Individuals and organizations hands-on cyber training anywhere 24/7 365 days a year
- Scalable training to meet cyber requirements and teaching goals
- Concept-driven games, Battle Rooms, and real-world scenario missions
- Cloud-based cyber ranges that emulate typical networks and simulate network traffic
- Gamified elements like scoring, leaderboards, and chat features
Computer Forensics Course & Labs
Virtual Courses & Labs
- File Systems and File System Forensics
- Hypervisor Analysis
- Registry Analysis
- Cryptanalysis
- Rainbow Tables
- Steganography
- Networking Concepts, Services, Protocols
- Operating Systems Concepts
- Live System Investigations
- Additional hands-on virtual labs
Project Ares Academy Plus + Penetration Testing Bundle
Project Ares Academy Plus
Gamified Cyber Learning
- Immersive, online Cyber Security learning platform
- Individuals and organizations hands-on cyber training anywhere 24/7 365 days a year
- Scalable training to meet cyber requirements and teaching goals
- Concept-driven games, Battle Rooms, and real-world scenario missions
- Cloud-based cyber ranges that emulate typical networks and simulate network traffic
- Gamified elements like scoring, leaderboards, and chat features
Penetration Testing Course & Labs
Virtual Courses & Labs
- Flaw Hypothesis Methodology
- Other methodologies (e.g., OSSTMM)
- Identifying flaws from documentation
- Identifying flaws from source code analysis
- Vulnerability Scanning
- Understanding families of attacks
- Understanding flaws that lead to vulnerabilities
- Enumeration, foot printing
- Attack Surface Discovery
- Attack Vectors
Project Ares Academy Plus + Linux Fundamentals Bundle
Project Ares Academy Plus
Gamified Cyber Learning
- Immersive, online Cyber Security learning platform
- Individuals and organizations hands-on cyber training anywhere 24/7 365 days a year
- Scalable training to meet cyber requirements and teaching goals
- Concept-driven games, Battle Rooms, and real-world scenario missions
- Cloud-based cyber ranges that emulate typical networks and simulate network traffic
- Gamified elements like scoring, leaderboards, and chat features
Linux Fundamentals Course & Labs
Virtual Courses & Labs
- Basic Linux Command Line Usage
- Basic Linux Filesystem Structure
- Telnet Traffic Capture
- Installing OpenSSH server, configuring sshd
- SSH Keypairs, SSH Keypair Passphrases, and exporting SSH public keys to remote machine
- Fail2Ban Setup and Analysis
- Setting up a firewall with UFW and firewalls
Project Ares Academy Plus & Cyber Security Course Bundles
Project Ares Academy Plus + Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Bundle
Project Ares Academy Plus
Gamified Cyber Learning
- Immersive, online Cyber Security learning platform
- Individuals and organizations hands-on cyber training anywhere 24/7 365 days a year
- Scalable training to meet cyber requirements and teaching goals
- Concept-driven games, Battle Rooms, and real-world scenario missions
- Cloud-based cyber ranges that emulate typical networks and simulate network traffic
- Gamified elements like scoring, leaderboards, and chat features
Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Course & Labs
Virtual Courses & Labs
- Computer Forensics in Today’s World
- Computer Forensics Investigation Process
- Creating a Case in Autopsy
- Creating a Case in FTK
- Creating a Case in OSF
- Understanding Hard Disks and File Systems
- Hash Verification
- Intro To Linux - File Systems
- Operating System Forensics
- Event Logs
- Registry Analysis
- Creating a Baseline Using the Windows Forensic Toolchest (WFT)
- Windows Event Log Manipulation via Windows Event Viewer
- Linux Analysis
- Securing Linux - Host Based IDS
- Securing Linux - Log Monitoring and Auditd
- MAC Analysis
- Defeating Anti-Forensics Techniques
- Open Source Password Cracking
- Password Cracking with PRTK
- Data Acquisition and Duplication
- Metadata Extraction Lab
- Data Recovery with Autopsy
- Memory Extraction and Analysis
- Network Forensics
- Network Miner
- Monitoring Network Traffic
- Searching for Indicators of Compromise
- Use pfTop to Analyze Network Traffic
- Automated in-Depth Packet Decoding
- Parse Files Out of Network Traffic
- Securing Linux - Network Intrusion Detection
- Investigating Web Attacks
- Internet History
- WebApp Attack PCAP Analysis
- Recover from Web-Based
- Flashpack Incident
- Database Forensics
- Cloud Forensics
- Malware Forensics
- Analyze Malicious Activity in Memory Using Volatility
- Conduct Log Analysis and Cross Examination for False Positives
- Detect the Introduction of a Malicious Application
- Identify and Remove Trojan Using Various Tools
- Identify Suspicious Information in VM Snapshots
- Investigating E-mail Crimes
- Mobile Forensics
- Investigative Reports
- Capstone Labs:
- Practical - Photos R Us
- Image Forensics Capstone
- Dynamic Malware Analysis Capstone
- Incident Detection and Identification
Project Ares Academy Plus + Incident Response Handling Course & Labs
Project Ares Academy Plus
Gamified Cyber Learning
- Immersive, online Cyber Security learning platform
- Individuals and organizations hands-on cyber training anywhere 24/7 365 days a year
- Scalable training to meet cyber requirements and teaching goals
- Concept-driven games, Battle Rooms, and real-world scenario missions
- Cloud-based cyber ranges that emulate typical networks and simulate network traffic
- Gamified elements like scoring, leaderboards, and chat features
Incident Response Handling Course & Labs
Virtual Courses & Labs
- Advanced Techniques for Malware Recovery
- Analyze and Classify Malware
- Block Incoming Traffic on Known Port
- Collecting Logs and Verifying SYSLOG Aggregation
- Creating Recommendations Based on Vulnerability Assessments
- Disable User Account on Windows 7
- Firewall Setup and Configuration
- Identify Whether High-Risk Systems Were Affected
- Identifying Malicious Network Connections
- Implement Single System Changes in Firewall
- Linux Users and Groups
- Log Analysis
- Manually Creating a Baseline with MD5Deep
- Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer
- Monitoring Network Traffic
- Patches and Updates
- Protect Against Beaconing
- Report writing for presentation to management
- Setting Up SYSLOG Forwarding from a Windows System
- System Hardening
- Using Snort and Wireshark to Analyze Traffic
- Whitelist Comparison
Project Ares Academy Plus
Gamified Cyber Learning
- Immersive, online Cyber Security learning platform
- Individuals and organizations hands-on cyber training anywhere 24/7 365 days a year
- Scalable training to meet cyber requirements and teaching goals
- Concept-driven games, Battle Rooms, and real-world scenario missions
- Cloud-based cyber ranges that emulate typical networks and simulate network traffic
- Gamified elements like scoring, leaderboards, and chat features
Incident Response Handling Course & Labs
Virtual Courses & Labs
- Advanced Techniques for Malware Recovery
- Analyze and Classify Malware
- Block Incoming Traffic on Known Port
- Collecting Logs and Verifying SYSLOG Aggregation
- Creating Recommendations Based on Vulnerability Assessments
- Disable User Account on Windows 7
- Firewall Setup and Configuration
- Identify Whether High-Risk Systems Were Affected
- Identifying Malicious Network Connections
- Implement Single System Changes in Firewall
- Linux Users and Groups
- Log Analysis
- Manually Creating a Baseline with MD5Deep
- Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer
- Monitoring Network Traffic
- Patches and Updates
- Protect Against Beaconing
- Report writing for presentation to management
- Setting Up SYSLOG Forwarding from a Windows System
- System Hardening
- Using Snort and Wireshark to Analyze Traffic
- Whitelist Comparison
Project Ares Academy Plus + ICS/SCADA Cybersecurity Bundle
Project Ares Academy Plus
Gamified Cyber Learning
- Immersive, online Cyber Security learning platform
- Individuals and organizations hands-on cyber training anywhere 24/7 365 days a year
- Scalable training to meet cyber requirements and teaching goals
- Concept-driven games, Battle Rooms, and real-world scenario missions
- Cloud-based cyber ranges that emulate typical networks and simulate network traffic
- Gamified elements like scoring, leaderboards, and chat features
ICS/SCADA Cybersecurity Course & Labs
Virtual Courses & Labs
- SCADA Cyber Range
- Identification and authentication, authorization and accounting (IAAA)
- Access Control Fundamentals
- Resiliency and Automation
- Physical Security
- Introduction to Security Controls
- Threats and Threat Actors
- Security Technologies and Tools
- Introduction to SCADA Security
- ICS Protocols
- Labs:
- Modbus PLC Introduction
- SNMP Reconnaissance
- Datasheet Analysis
- Scanning ICS/SCADA Networks
- Attacking the Infrastructure
- Firewall Rules for SCADA
- Exploiting OS-Level Vulnerabilities
- Extracting Network Keys
- Wi-Fi Password Cracking
- Manipulating Protocol Data
- SCADA Honeypot
- Snort SCADA Rules
Project Ares Academy Plus & Cyber Security Course Bundles
Project Ares Academy Plus + Cyber Defense Bundle
Project Ares Academy Plus
Gamified Cyber Learning
- Immersive, online Cyber Security learning platform
- Individuals and organizations hands-on cyber training anywhere 24/7 365 days a year
- Scalable training to meet cyber requirements and teaching goals
- Concept-driven games, Battle Rooms, and real-world scenario missions
- Cloud-based cyber ranges that emulate typical networks and simulate network traffic
- Gamified elements like scoring, leaderboards, and chat features
Linux Fundamentals Course & Labs
Virtual Courses & Labs
- Basic Linux Command Line Usage
- Basic Linux Filesystem Structure
- Telnet Traffic Capture
- Installing OpenSSH server, configuring sshd
- SSH Keypairs, SSH Keypair Passphrases, and exporting SSH public keys to remote machine
- Fail2Ban Setup and Analysis
- Setting up a firewall with UFW and firewalls