Project Ares Enterprise +Malware Bundle
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Project Ares Enterprise +Malware Bundle

Available: In Stock


Project Ares Enterprise

Virtual Courses & Labs

  • Advanced Techniques for Malware Recovery
  • Analyze and Classify Malware
  • Block Incoming Traffic on Known Port
  • Collecting Logs and Verifying SYSLOG Aggregation
  • Creating Recommendations Based on Vulnerability Assessments
  • Disable User Account on Windows 7
  • Firewall Setup and Configuration
  • Identify Whether High-Risk Systems Were Affected
  • Identifying Malicious Network Connections
  • Implement Single System Changes in Firewall
  • Linux Users and Groups
  • Log Analysis
  • Manually Creating a Baseline with MD5Deep
  • Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer
  • Monitoring Network Traffic
  • Patches and Updates
  • Protect Against Beaconing
  • Report writing for presentation to management
  • Setting Up SYSLOG Forwarding from a Windows System
  • System Hardening
  • Using Snort and Wireshark to Analyze Traffic
  • Whitelist Comparison

Project Ares Enterprise

Virtual Courses & Labs

  • Advanced Techniques for Malware Recovery
  • Analyze and Classify Malware
  • Block Incoming Traffic on Known Port
  • Collecting Logs and Verifying SYSLOG Aggregation
  • Creating Recommendations Based on Vulnerability Assessments
  • Disable User Account on Windows 7
  • Firewall Setup and Configuration
  • Identify Whether High-Risk Systems Were Affected
  • Identifying Malicious Network Connections
  • Implement Single System Changes in Firewall
  • Linux Users and Groups
  • Log Analysis
  • Manually Creating a Baseline with MD5Deep
  • Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer
  • Monitoring Network Traffic
  • Patches and Updates
  • Protect Against Beaconing
  • Report writing for presentation to management
  • Setting Up SYSLOG Forwarding from a Windows System
  • System Hardening
  • Using Snort and Wireshark to Analyze Traffic
  • Whitelist Comparison